Get jobs in Technology industry with intensive training in computer programming and communication skills
Learn with our new project centric curriculum with mastery learning
Get the MSIT Advantage
Admissions for 2024 are closed now. Applications for the year 2025 will open in January 2025
Looking to advance your career in computer sciences? Then look no further! MSIT program offers cutting-edge courses with a unique Learning-by-Doing approach that ensures you are industry-ready when you graduate.
Speak to a program expert:

Specialize in an
emerging technology area
Finish with a specialization to earn the
Master of Science degree from IIIT Hyderabad.
Choose one advanced technology area such as Data Science, App Development or Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.
In 8 months, learn the advanced technology with an Industry Internship.
Your MSIT Journey
Prof P J Narayanan
Director, IIIT Hyderabad
Learn skills by doing projects
Digital learning units to learn concepts
Small group discussion to clarify concepts
Solve real world problems
Ask a dedicated coach whenever you are stuck
Get expert feedback to enhance your skills
Achieve an ‘A’ grade (Mastery Learning)
Take courses with
others like you
Learn together and from each other with regular deadlines to keep you on track.
Practice, practice and
practice for expertise
Learn together and from each other with regular deadlines to keep you on track.
Here's what's happening right now at MSIT.